Reiki is a Japanese word meaning universal life force energy. It is a gentle, holistic healing system that works on all levels of being, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. Its ability to heal on all levels makes it a very deep, profound healing practice.
The Reiki Practitioner is attuned to the universal energy which, when the practitioner activates it, enters through their crown chakra and flows down through their third eye, throat chakra and into their heart chakra, before traveling down their arms and out through the palms of their hands, to the client, either by touch or hovering of hands over the client. The client remains fully clothed as Reiki energy can easily travel through clothing and can even be sent from a distance.
By releasing blocked or stagnant energy, Reiki can relieve pain, anxiety and stress, promoting deep relaxation, balance and harmony within one’s self. The smooth, steady flow of energy around the body enables empowerment and support from within. It strengthens ones connection to self and source and supports self-love and therefore self-healing.